Rotherham & District Model Engineers Society
Webmaster:- V.Hazzlewood
Videos come under 3 categories, RDMES videos,
miscellaneous videos and members videos. A more detailed
description of each category is given below together with a
link to the appropriate page.
This section covers events held in
the park, including the visit of the
Mayor and Mayoress of
Rotherham, plus events held at
various other venues in South
This section covers videos taken in
the park of various projects,
including the turntable,
wheelchair carriage and the diesel
hydraulic Co-Co loco. These
include several trial runs.
This section covers mostly main
line activity, but also covers the
miniature railway at Pecorama
How to find us:
We can be found down a track
off the end of Park Grove,
Rawmarsh, S62 7JS