Rotherham & District Model Engineers Society
Webmaster:- V.Hazzlewood
The Galleries show photographs of the various aspects of the
Societies activities.
Click on the appropriate button below to go to the Gallery
you wish to view.
Photographs taken during the
construction of the multi-gauge raised
track from the clearance of the site to
completion of the track. Also includes
construction of the station, steaming bays
and tunnel.
Photographs taken of the construction of
the ground level track, both inner and
outer circuits, from laying of base
formation, through concrete base
construction to track laying. Also includes
construction of points and station.
Photographs of events attended by the
Society both within Victoria Rosehill Park
and events attended elsewhere with the
portable track. This includes the special
event held in the park when the Mayor of
Rotherham attended the site.
Photographs of all kinds of models built
by Society members. These include
numerous models that were put on show
for the visit of the Mayor.
A group of photographs from various
projects including, Co-Co diesel hydraulic
loco, turntable, ground level coaches and
driving car. Also included are a number of
miscellaneous photographs.
Photographs of main line locomotives and
trains in Britain, Switzerland and
How to find us:
We can be found down a track
off the end of Park Grove,
Rawmarsh, S62 7JS